ISI is appointed by the Department for Education to inspect British schools overseas (BSO).

BSO is the UK Government's inspection scheme for British international schools.

It enables schools to compare themselves to leading independent schools in England and many other British schools around the world.

This is the only accreditation scheme endorsed by the UK Government and advocated within the UK Government's international education strategy.

To learn more about ISI's BSO inspections please complete the form below or call +44 (0) 207 600 0100

About BSO accreditation

About BSO accreditation

BSO is the UK Government's inspection scheme for British international schools

Benefits of ISI inspections

Benefits of ISI inspections

ISI has decades of experience inspecting British international schools

Inspector training

Inspector training

ISI delivers courses for international schools to learn school inspection skills

Register Interest

Register Interest

Complete a short form and a member of our BSO team will get in touch

Latest inspection reports